
  • Duty roster
  • Vacation plan
  • Time recording
  • mobile App
  • terminable at any time
  • 1 Department
  • unlimited number of employees
  • Trial data usable later
  • 1 Month free

Duty & Vacation
  • Duty roster
  • Vacation plan
  • mobile App
  • terminable at any time
  • Any number of departments
  • unlimited number of employees
  • Past shifts: history saved
  • 1 Month free

30€ per dept. per month
  • Duty roster
  • Vacation plan
  • Time recording
  • mobile App
  • terminable at any time
  • Any number of departments
  • unlimited number of employees
  • Past shifts: history saved
  • 1 Month free

40€ per dept. per month

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